Friday, 30 March 2007

Orange Mobile

I recently did some work for Orange Mobile which was entered into a competition along with some of the UK's top illustrators. The brief was to create images around themes set by the Orange Mobile Creative team. The themes I picked were "Environment" , "Heroes" and "Register"
The work is a mixture of screen printing, hand drawn elements and digital.

Professional Practice.

I've been working on a "Professional Practice (from those who are yet to be professionals)" book in my spare time. I thought I would share some of the images here.

Calvin Harris

A commission by Disorder Magazine for the April issue - Some background and spot illustrations for the magazine and a Calvin Harris feature.

Don't Panic

I entered several of this year's D&AD Competitions.This is one of my illustration entries for the "Don't Panic" competition. The idea was to send a postcard from anywhere to anyone.

I choose to send a postcard from the "Kingdom of the Bland" to myself.